Faris AlHajri-Ph.D.(A.M.) | Tips and Benefits of Drinking Hot Water
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Tips and Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Tips and Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

Recommended methods for drinking hot water

❖ One or two glasses of hot water, early in the morning, once you wake up and before brushing your teeth – at standing position.

❖ One or two glasses of hot water, after brushing your teeth, before having your breakfast.

❖ At least three glasses of hot water throughout the morning.

❖ One glass of hot water at least 15-30 minutes before meal.

❖ At least two glasses of hot water throughout the evening (Best if four glasses).

❖ One glass of hot water, before going to sleep.

Benefits of Drinking Hot water

❖ Prevent various diseases, symptoms and allergies..

❖ Heal people in pain, with sickness, allergies and diseases even if how critical it is.

❖ Get rid of fat, reduce obesity, heals bronchial asthma, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol … etc.

❖ Improve brain memory.

❖ Possess a good looking body.

❖ Acquire an exceptional personality or character.

❖ Have interest in peace, respect human rights and reject quarrels.

❖ Helping acquiring brainstorming.

❖ Love of natures and creatures..

❖ Possessing strong faith in God.

❖ Enjoying a tender sleep.


❖ Should be given high consideration, due to its huge effects. For more details, please refer to the book.
❖ The glass of hot water shall be approximate of 240-300 ml in volume.
❖ The Water shall be hot at a temperature of around (50°C) that means hot enough to feel it while drinking, but affordable, without causing burn.

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