Faris AlHajri-Ph.D.(A.M.) | Services
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At Haqua Wellness, we understand that no two human beings are alike and psychological.
Haqua Revitalize® Therapy offers the previously overlooked secrets of natural hot water. For the first time, water is fully and properly utilized to maximize your health potential in all aspects: spiritual.

We offer consultations for corporates and group with our Haqua Revitalize in various modalities of this therapy. For additional inquiries, please call us at +(1) 540 998 8875, or email us at faris@farisalhajri.com


What is the concept the "Haquapathy"?

The name “Haquapathy” is the implementation of the entire “Haqua Revitalize®” Therapy, covering all the internal and external therapeutic modalities. “Haqua” derives from two words “hot”, and “aqua” from the Latin word “water”. Thus hot aqua simply means hot water. The word “-pathy” comes from Latin, mean therapy.
Revitalize represents the reinstatement of the human’s body to its initial state of creation in the precise form of complete PEMS (Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual) health.

Haquapathy is one of the basic methods of treatment in the system of natural medicine, which is also called as Hot Aqua Therapy, Hot Water Therapy, Hydrothermal Therapy, Aqua Calidum Therapy, Maysakhin Therapy, and Majimoto Therapy, instigated by the author, discoverer and founder of this therapy since he discovered its significant health benefits to the human’s body in August 2007, until the present moment. Since then, he asserted it as a new part of alternative medicine (particularly naturopathy), that involves the use of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy.

Haquapathic Medicine is a newly introduced form of primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of Haqua Revitalize® Therapy towards individuals’ inherent self-healing, self-protection and self-maintenance process.

Therapeutic Method of Haqua Gulping (TMHG)

It involves a protocol of gulping Haqua (hot water) at certain times of the day in order to maximize health benefits, with a specific volume, at temperatures,both for adults and children, are prescribed, exclusively enhancing body’s essential natural fuels with water, oxygen, hydrogen and energy. Various protocols are available for those with busy schedules, as well as those who work at different hours of the day or night.Emergency routines are also explained.

Haqua Stretch Therapy (HST)

Stretching under the healing power of Haqua (hot water) specifically targets lower back pain, among other ailments.

Multiple sessions of therapy use the healing benefits of Haqua (hot water) to specifically relieve lower back pain, among other aches and pains.

Each session stretches different parts of the body and is completed at different times, as directed.
Participants are instructed in proper stretching movements that support the body and avoid accidental harm.

Haqua Gargling Method (HGM)

It is an effective way to combat bacteria in the mouth, freshen your breath, and relieve throat pain naturally.

Gargling hot water at a certain temperature and on a regular schedule is beneficial for preventing infections in the mouth and throat.

This therapy is especially recommended when a tumor or other swelling occurs, accompanied by pain in the throat, difficulty swallowing, chronic conditions, nausea, and spasms in the neck.
By cleansing the throat and tonsils, HGM therapy reduces inflammation in the throat, strengthens your gums, and keeps your mouth fresh.

Haqua Teeth Bleaching Method (HTBM)

Haqua Teeth Bleaching Method aids in eliminating the buildup of plaque and bacteria that irritate and damage your gums and teeth.

For those who drink large amounts of tea, coffee, or alcohol, teeth stains are very common, especially later in life. Smoking, drugs, and dipping further lead to gum and teeth problems.

As a powerful antioxidant, Haqua (hot water) also assists you in your efforts to quit smoking and to refrain from over-consumption of alcohol and drugs.

Proper temperatures and health procedures will be explained in details.

Kata Fat-Burning Method (KFBM)

Kata Fats Burning Workout is an innovative method of physical discipline that involves abdominal muscle exercises and leads to the reduction of abdominal fat.

Twelve minutes a day following the techniques that will be guided can provide an enormous benefit for those who are unable to maintain strenuous exercise either because of age, physical issues, or busy schedules.

Kata Fat Burning Workout requires no equipment of specific environment and can be performed at home, the office, or wherever you happen to be.

This method of body reshaping is conducted with specific steps and techniques which will all be explained and demonstrated to your group.

We offer consultations on Haqua Revitalize® Therapy, for Corporates, group individuals to empower your team and provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.