Faris AlHajri-Ph.D.(A.M.) | Consultation Topics and Hourly Rates
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Consultation Topics and Hourly Rates

1. Therapeutic Methods of Haqua Gulping (TMHG)  — $150

2. Haqua Revitalize Therapeutic Effects (HRTE)  — $150

3. Haqua Diet Therapy (HDT) — $150

4. PEMS Aspects of Health (Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual) — $150

5. Aging Process — $150

6. Addictive Substances — $150

7. Haqua Compress Therapy (HCT) — $150

8. Haqua Kata Fat Burning Workout Therapy (HKFBWT) — $150

9. Physical Health – Calories Burning Effortlessly — $100

10. Emotional Health — $100

11. Mental Health — $100

12. Spiritual Health — $100

13. Haqua Massage Therapy (HMT) — $100

14. Aer Calidum Therapy (AeCT) — $100

15. Haqua Steam Therapy (HST) — $100

16. Haqua Eye Spa Therapy (HEST) — $70

17. Haqua Neck Stretching Therapy (HNST) — $70

18. Kata Fat Burning Therapy
[Kata Zumba, Kiuno, Samba, and Wimbi Techniques] — $70

19. BICADU Principles
(Believe, Implement, Continue, Appreciate, Discipline, Understand)  — $70

20. FEEL’s (Four Essential Elements of Life) — $70

21. Four Classical Elements of the Universe (FCEU) — $70

22. Haqua Stretch Therapy (HST) — $70

23. Haqua Mouth Bleaching Therapy (HMBT) — $70

24. Haqua Teeth Bleaching Therapy (HTBT) — $70

25. Back-In-Time Technique — $70

26. Positive Impacts of Life Challenges — $70

27. Building Interpersonal Relationships — $70

28. The Power of You — $70

29. Successful Marriage (10 Commandments) — $70

30. Positive Inter-relations with your children — $70

31. Boost your Productivity — $70

32. Boost your Sexual Intercourse — $70

33. Five Factors of Wealth — $70

34. Climbing the Endless Mountains of Life (CEML) — $70

35. Worry, Fear, and Phobia (Motivation, Challenges, Back-In-Time) — $70

36. Cycles of Life — $70

37. Change Opponents and Competitors to Vita Socium — $70

38. Inretortus Mutationes (Irrevocable Changes) — $70

39. Vita Levitas (Life Buoyancy) — $70

40. Corporis-Anima Mea (Body and Soul) — $70

41. Stress – Anxiety Eradication (Let your Body Float on your Soul) — $70

42. Maximum Success (10 Factors) — $70

43. Three B’s (Positive Outlook) — $70

44. Disease or Dis-Ease? — $70

We offer consultations with a Haqua Revitalize practitioner