Faris AlHajri-Ph.D.(A.M.) | Books
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The Miracle & Wonders of Treatment from Hot Water

Hot Water purifies the toxin, helps melting the fat deposits and destroys harmful bacteria in our body.

It is the most important catalyst in losing weight and maintaining perfect body figure. It is a miracle liquid remedy that will keep us in shape physically and mentally. To be healthy, one must drink the required quantity of Hot Water in a day. Health is wealth, so we have to keep a healthy body to have a wealthy lifestyle.

  • Hot Water purifies the toxin, helps melting the fat deposits and destroys harmful bacteria in our body.
  • “Wealth does not bring happiness, but happiness brings wealth.
  • Neither Happiness, nor wealth brings health,
  • But health brings both happiness and wealth.
  • Every human’s ambitions are to possess health, happiness and wealth.
  • But wealth does not come without happiness
  • And happiness does not come without health.
  • Every human whether baby, child, youth or adult struggles for health in order to survive.
  • The dream of every human is to live a long life filled with health, Until they accomplish the star that has been a gift to them since birth in the same manner of our longest living ancestors”.

The Values of Well Being & its Secret for a Better Living- Theories

Philosophy from different kind of people gives us a hint on how to deal on a specific situation in life. It keeps us on the right track and reminds us that we have to adopt the same principles otherwise we’ll find our-self stumbling on the middle of nowhere. “The Values of Well Being and Its Secretes for a Better Living” is a compilation of different kind of theories that will let us realize that life is beautiful in spite of tears, pain, sorrow, worries and pressure. This will inspire us that everything is possible if we keep our faith with the Almighty. The thoughts incorporated on the book are so precious that if we will learn to appreciate them, we will glitters like gold.

Every Human being shall fully be confident to achieve great success that others may see it as Wonder. In the mean time, He shall fully be contented on the great achievements He may ever have accomplished, even if none or few of them are fulfilled whatever the reason may be. The greatest of all is that, He is already there on the peak. But, the step to higher peaks never stop there as long as he is still alive. His dreams, beliefs and ambitions shall always be there.

To value Human is to value God. Understanding other person and considering their worth is a key for a better living. Life is hard for some but if you will try to read this book, it will teach you to treat it easy and light.

We should never underestimate The Value of Human Being. Respect should always prevail. Any form of difference should be disregarded in dealing with human whoever the Person may be in terms of his race, color, religion, doctrine, size, age, shape, look, habits, status, potential, wealth … etc, anything that may cause any form of discrimination shall completely be eliminated.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak & The Lost Treasure

The detrimental impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that led to the suffering and death of many people, as well as the destruction of the economy on a global level, prompted Faris AlHajri – Ph.D.(A.M.) to present the principles of Haqua Revitalize Therapy (HART) to a broader audience.

Human bodies have the full capacity to protect, regulate and maintain itself as discovered by Andrew Taylor Still, the founder of osteopathy and osteopathic medicine. AlHajri believes that man’s body fully relies on its natural essential fuels — namely water, oxygen, hydrogen and energy — which he coined collectively as The Four Essential Elements of Life (FEEL). These are the exclusive source of HART, a holistic health and wellness approach that focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle away from drugs and vaccines.

This book, in essence, offers a simple solution that reveals “the lost treasure” where every human being — irrespective of gender, race, color, age, religion, creed or any affiliation — is naturally toxic-free. Read More…


English Book


Arabic Book


We offer consultations on Haqua Revitalize® Therapy, for Corporates, group individuals to empower your team and provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.